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Pebble Developers

Resources for creating amazing Pebble apps and watchfaces

For the Devs out there

Rebble has a lot of the old Pebble Developer site available. There is no Developer Portal yet but all of the instructions, examples and the SDK are all available.

Getting Started with Pebble Development

Even though Pebble as a company is no longer around, you can still develop amazing apps and watchfaces for Pebble devices. Here's how to get started:

  1. Download the Pebble SDK from the Rebble developer site
  2. Set up your development environment (works on Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  3. Follow the tutorials to create your first watchface or app
  4. Test your creation using the Pebble emulator or on a physical device
  5. Share your creation with the Pebble community!
The Pebble development community is still active on Discord and Reddit. Join these platforms to get help and share your projects!